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Housing Support and Stability Program (HSSP) Families Project

Study completion: 2023
Contact Person:  Christian Sarver

This project was part of a 5-year Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant that was awarded to The Road Home (TRH) to develop and evaluate the Housing Support and Stability (HSSP) Families Project. The HSSP Families team will assist 150 homeless families with a Substance Use Disorder or Co-occurring Disorder to stabilize in permanent housing with Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) packages of financial assistance and multidisciplinary wrap-around supports, which will include: case management, behavioral health treatment for parents and children with an emphasis on access to developmentally appropriate services, and a focus on increasing mainstream benefits and employment.  The HSSP Families program incorporates Rapid Re-housing, Trauma Informed Care, Motivational Interviewing, Harm Reduction and Critical Time Intervention in a setting-flexible service delivery model.

Objectives include:

  1. Helping families obtain and stabilize in permanent housing
  2. Providing a coordinated approach to accessing mainstream benefits for all family members
  3. Facilitating access to employment supports
  4. Connecting children to developmentally appropriate supports
  5. Connecting all family members to behavioral health supports, as needed

The Utah Criminal Justice Center (UCJC) will serve as the evaluator on this multi-agency team will conduct a thorough evaluation of the program to determine the impact of the program on the following outcomes:

  • Housing placements and retention
  • Benefits/health insurance enrollment and retention
  • Behavioral health treatment admission and completion
  • Employment type, length, and salary
  • Children’s receipt of services, including type and length
  • Measures of parent and child well-being

During the final year of the project, UCJC will compare outcomes between HSSP Families participants and a propensity score matched sample of homeless families who are not enrolled in the program.

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Last Updated: 4/14/21